Folded Berlinia Table by Gellhaus Woodworks

The ever talented Gellhaus Woodworks bought a beauty piece of Berlinia from Windsor Plywood Sherwood Park and wrapped it with a Wenge edge. Below was the picture gallery and information from the owner, Bart. For more fantastic pictures of furniture, be sure to check out Gellhaus Woodworks, the Instagram #gellhauswoodworks and Facebook page. “The Folded Berlinia Table is made from … Continued

Tamarindo Wooden Bench with “Creepy Eyes”

creepy eye bench

The picture was courtesy of Sherwood Park Windsor Plywood. For more projects, be sure to follow their Instagram account at: #windsorsherwoodpark or Facebook page. A slab of Tamarindo made into a bench with some “creepy eyes” in it. Bench oiled with legs. It’s about 15″ deep and 6′ long. If interested, it’s on sale $629.00. Contact the store … Continued