Sapele Hardwood Lumber

Sapele is easy to work with by hand and machine and is often used to make quality furniture and cabinet making as well as solid doors, sports goods, musical instruments and boat building. Used as a substitute for mahogany, and is sometimes referred to as “Sapele Mahogany".

  • Easy workability
  • Sapele has a distinct, cedar-like scent while being worked
  • Turns, glues and finishes well
  • Super wide 15" pieces (or wider)
Colour/Appearance Heartwood is a golden to dark reddish brown
Grain/Texture Grain is interlocked, and sometimes wavy. Fine uniform texture and good natural luster.
Sizes 8/4 x 15" or wider
Also availalbe 4/4 or 8/4 S2S Quarter Sawn with Ribbon Grain
Workability Easy
Note Specifications may change, please check with your local Windsor Plywood location to verify availability. Some products may be special order.


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